Monday 11 March 2013

Audio Transformer

Amazed by the electronic music of your favourite band? Mesmerized by the way suddenly an electric guitar goes as loud as the singer? Like most of know, there is an expert recording engineer present in the studio to make sure that music instruments and the voices make a perfect blend. A critical device that helps in creating this blend is an audio transformer. Works just like any other conventional transformer; audio transformers are designed to work at audio frequencies, i.e. between 20Hz to 20 KHz. Interestingly, the initial need to design to such transformer was to enhance long distancevoice communication. Now serving essentially for professional musicians, audio transformers stand as one electronic-audio component. This article will cover technical and applicative features of audio transformers explaining how they are different from the conventional counterparts.
Typical specifications of an audio transformer (42TM028) are
• Maximum output: 200mW
• Frequency response: ±2dB 300HZ-3, .4KHZ @ 1 kHz 0dB
• Insulation resistance: >10MW @ 100VDC
• Impedance ratio: Pri 600WCT, Sec1 600W, Sec2 600W
• Impedance variation: ±10% @ 1 kHz, .25V
• Primary wire: ø.08mm x 2 turns 320 ref.
• Secondary wire: ø.08mm x 2 turns 640 ref.
• DC resistance: Pri 78W ±15%, Sec1 (6-7) 65W ±15%, Sec2 (4-5) 60W ±15%
• Core type: EI-19
• Heat tolerance: +80°~+90°C
• Wave solderable
• Waxing: vacuum treatment

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